Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies

Fitness.Com Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk
Rachel Eliz­a­beth is a celebrity fit­ness per­son­al­ity, trainer and nutri­tion coach, deter­mined to cause a pos­i­tive effect on the lives of peo­ple world­wide. Through evi­dence based fit­ness and nutri­tion edu­ca­tion, proven results based work­outs, opti­mal health and whole foods nutri­tion, and reli­able tips and per­sonal expe­ri­ence shared on social media, she will teach you how to live a holis­ti­cally fit lifestyle.“Through my brand, I am here to help you get your con­fi­dence back and improve your qual­ity of life through faith and a holis­ti­cally fit lifestyle like I did. 

Whether it be through a blog post or arti­cle on CauseFitness.com, per­sonal train­ing in Los Ange­les or online train­ing, attend­ing one of my sem­i­nars or sim­ply fol­low­ing me on social media, my mis­sion is to cause a fit­ness effect in your life, so that you can then inspire the same healthy changes in those around you, and so on. A truly fit per­son is healthy from the inside out and it radi­ates. That’s what it means to Cause Fit­ness. Join me in becom­ing the change we wish to see in the world.” –R.E.M.Rachel Eliz­a­beth Mur­ray was born in Decem­ber of 1983 in Tulsa, Okla­homa, the first child of Stephen Mur­ray, an army sur­geon and recre­ational triath­lete, and Karen Mur­ray, a sec­ond grade teacher and homemaker.

Her roots never sank down deep into one place or pur­suit, since Dr. Murray’s mil­i­tary career moved the fam­ily seven times before Rachel was a teenager.  Instead, she learned through her var­ied expe­ri­ences to adapt to change eas­ily, and devel­oped a diverse ath­letic skill set. Dr. Mur­ray, a life­long ath­lete, and Rachel’s grand­mother Mary Ellen, a swim­mer who has earned gold medals in the Senior Olympics, began kin­dling in her a love of ath­let­ics and com­pe­ti­tion from a young age.

In the begin­ning, Rachel learned to swim before she learned to walk. A child­hood love of horses then turned into rid­ing and horse­man­ship lessons. While liv­ing in Ger­many, she learned to ski in the Alps; in San Fran­cisco, she par­tic­i­pated in Pre­sidio Youth Base­ball and earned blue rib­bons in swim team. Soc­cer, bas­ket­ball, track, and var­sity cheer lead­ing occu­pied her school days, and she spent win­ters snow­board­ing in the moun­tains sur­round­ing Spokane, Wash­ing­ton, where the Mur­ray fam­ily set­tled per­ma­nently in 1997.

Fol­low­ing high school, Rachel attended Wash­ing­ton State Uni­ver­sity. She pur­sued a degree in com­mu­ni­ca­tions while stay­ing active with intra­mural sports. Expe­ri­ences in cliff and bridge-jumping, rock climb­ing, and wake­board­ing fed her always-adventurous spirit.

Unex­pect­edly, her col­lege expe­ri­ence became a time of per­sonal growth in the face of tragedy and hard­ship: In the sum­mer of her junior year, she was raped.  When her anger and shame became des­per­a­tion and self-destruction, she turned to her faith, her fam­ily, and fit­ness for healing.

In Rachel’s own words, “I put on my run­ning shoes and just went. I started run­ning with­out a goal at first. I sprinted up the biggest hills I could find to find strength, accom­plish­ment, and momen­tary confidence.”

This ther­a­peu­tic exer­cise became her solace and retreat in the months fol­low­ing the inci­dent. After a time, Rachel shared her pur­suits with a friend, who was a per­sonal trainer and sports nutri­tion­ist. He exposed her to clean eat­ing, safe and effec­tive weight train­ing and High Inten­sity Inter­val Train­ing (HIIT). She was hooked:

“I saw incred­i­ble changes in my body almost imme­di­ately from the sud­den lifestyle change, and I felt amaz­ing. I can lit­er­ally still feel how happy and full I felt when all this was transpiring.”

Rachel’s grow­ing con­fi­dence and energy was con­ta­gious; she began pour­ing into friends and acquain­tances while vol­un­teer­ing with cam­pus Bible stud­ies and as a YoungLife leader. She rarely missed an oppor­tu­nity to hit the gym, and con­stantly sought to inspire oth­ers to improve their lifestyles through fitness.

“I became inspired by the glossy cov­ers of lean-bodied fit­ness mod­els. I wanted to be able to inspire oth­ers like those women were inspir­ing me,” she said.

For the first time since being assaulted, she felt the con­fi­dence to dream of a career built on help­ing men and women expe­ri­ence the changes she had expe­ri­enced through fitness.

Upon grad­u­at­ing from Wash­ing­ton State, Rachel set out to pur­sue the pas­sion she had dis­cov­ered in her final years in col­lege. In an aston­ish­ingly short amount of time, she became a cer­ti­fied per­sonal trainer, cer­ti­fied sports nutri­tion­ist and coach, physique ath­lete and fit­ness model. She piled on cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, earned tro­phies, landed a cover and numer­ous spreads in top fit­ness mag­a­zines, and starred in a fit­ness DVD for Reebok with Gaiam, con­tin­u­ing to chal­lenge her­self as she chal­lenged others.

“I love peo­ple. All peo­ple,” Rachel said. “I strive to always see God in them—the art and true beauty in humanity—even when they fail to see it themselves.”

Rachel thrives on moti­vat­ing oth­ers toward holis­tic fit­ness and healthy lifestyle habits. She describes her­self as a tough but com­pas­sion­ate trainer, stress­ing the impor­tance of dili­gence, dis­ci­pline, and habit form­ing to cre­ate real lifestyle change.

“My clients know I care,” she says, “but they also know they won’t get off easy.”

In 2011, Rachel launched Cause Fit­ness, a brand and foun­da­tion that seeks to affect change in global per­cep­tions of health, fit­ness and nutri­tion, and equips peo­ple world­wide to real­ize that goal through edu­ca­tion and training.

Rachel’s goal is to gain world­wide recog­ni­tion for Cause Fit­ness, becom­ing a global ambas­sador for holis­tic health, fit­ness, and nutri­tion edu­ca­tion, as well as pos­i­tive self-image, and healthy body con­fi­dence. She con­stantly pur­sues her own edu­ca­tion and recer­ti­fi­ca­tion. In the future, she plans to make the tran­si­tion from com­mer­cial and the­atri­cal to film act­ing, write a book, host a tele­vi­sion show, and con­tinue to moti­vate peo­ple toward healthy liv­ing and pos­i­tive self-image.

In pur­suit of these goals, Rachel relo­cated from Seat­tle, Wash­ing­ton to Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia, in the Sum­mer of 2012. She cur­rently trains clients in Hol­ly­wood (and online); leads her ‘Un-Bootcamp’, an ath­letic and meta­bolic con­di­tion­ing class for fat-loss; takes act­ing and improv classes; works as a sports and lifestyle model/actress rep­re­sented by Wil­helmina, now exclu­sively Sports & Lifestyle Unlim­ited; leads a women’s min­istry known as ‘Lioness 3' along with two other women who share the heart and vision; and enjoys involve­ment in with her church, singing, and any excuse to escape to the beach.
I want to build a ’cause and effect’ com­mu­nity that will grow to reach other com­mu­ni­ties in need of healthy resources.
As a foun­da­tion, a per­cent­age of the pro­ceeds from my brand, Cause Fit­ness, will be donated to estab­lished and CF approved char­i­ties, and com­mu­ni­ties around the world in need of med­ical and hygienic resources, sim­ple health and hygienic edu­ca­tion, clean water and nutri­tion sources and gen­eral improve­ments to human qual­ity of life.

I will per­son­ally be pur­su­ing any oppor­tu­nity to travel to global com­mu­ni­ties in need to reach out in the name of health and fit­ness, and phil­an­thropic mis­sions. I will fol­low my pur­pose and do my best to show God’s love wher­ever it’s most needed and wher­ever I am lead.

Please con­tact me if you have any inter­est in help­ing me pur­sue these goals or if you are involved with a team or a charity/organization that would ben­e­fit from my ser­vices. I would be so hon­ored to be involved with any team that can align with my vision and our pur­pose as ambas­sadors of God’s love to a world in need of resources, love, respect, and healthy relationship.

Now that you know what Cause Fit­ness means on all lev­els, join me in the move­ment. You are the cause of your own fit­ness effect, and you and I have the oppor­tu­nity and respon­si­bil­ity to pos­i­tively effect every other human being on this planet.”– Rachel Eliz­a­beth Mur­ray, CEO & Founder, Cause Fit­ness LLC.
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Fitness.Com Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies

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