Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies

Muscle And Fitness Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk
Work hard, do some heavy-duty strength training, and your muscles will grow. At least that was what we were told, right? The process is simple—muscle fibers break down after weight training and build back up thicker, faster, and stronger.
Should be pretty easy… But then when you actually tried to hit the weights, you didn’t see the results you wanted, at least not that fast. So what gives? Were you given bad information? Nope. There is just much more to it than what you were previously told about muscle growth and training.
Enter sports nutrition and the immediate realization that just hitting the weights without adding some good protein didn’t cut it. But that is where it ends. The world of protein is a confusing place without a doubt. It seems like almost every week someone is coming out with either a new form or a new reported benefit.
Truth is, while much scientific literature does exist, we have only begun to scratch the surface of the power of protein. The reason? Proteins are very complex, even in their simplest forms, because they are comprised of several different components, including varying combinations of amino acids that are precisely sequenced and chained together to provide a specific function.
At the micro level, before you even have an amino acid, let alone a complete protein, there is a group of tiny molecules collectively known as the Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA). These are special nucleotides that are sequenced in triplets and then paired together to form specific codons (messenger systems) that house vital information and comprise the actual structure of the single building block of protein known as an amino acid.
Together, all of these proteins work to carry out specific functions within the body that are crucial to life, but also to muscle development. So how do these proteins do their job?
Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS)
You’ve heard about protein synthesis. You know it is the building up of proteins, but have you ever wondered how that happens and what it really means. Let’s take a brief look, because if you understand the how, you will not only see the importance of this process, but you will understand why the foods and supplements you consume, and the time in which you do so, are critical to your success in fitness.
First, the general term Protein Synthesis refers to the building of all proteins in the human body, which include all cells in every organ and every system within the body. Specifically, for fitness and general exercise, while we say Protein Synthesis, we are really referring to Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) and that is what we will focus on from here on out.
When muscle tissue breaks down due to exercise, the beat-up protein strands are either carted off or repaired on site. New proteins are shuttled over to damage site to be used for building new, stronger, thicker proteins that form both the skeletal framework of muscle cell itself, and the contractile units. Seems simple enough. Load the muscle with plenty of extra protein, and everything should be good.
Not so fast.
For protein to form or rebuild, there needs to be a specific combination of amino acids and a cellular environment that positively pushes MPS to occur. Interestingly, muscles have a specific capacity to utilize amino acids based on transfer gradients of each amino acid.
In other words, simply having a high concentration of amino acids outside a cell does not guarantee the cell will pull it in. And since each amino acid has a different gradient transfer rate, precise combinations of these aminos and timing become crucial to making MPS work in your favor.So now that we added the “downer” suggesting that MPS is not just about loading up on amino acids, understanding the limitations and finding the best solution is what we need to consider. Muscle, at best, has a finite limit of the amount of protein it can utilize and how fast it can grow. This is what protein and other ergogenic substances attempt to do—enhance both the speed and size of the growth of muscles.
But since the entire process requires the right combination and exact key to open the lock, most proteins marginally succeed at helping this process. And the truth is, you could continue to load up on protein hoping to make it work, and likely it will help a little, but you would literally have to consume several hundred grams of protein every day, all the time. Even if you could do that, it would be almost impossible for the body to work through the load to extract the much-needed aminos.
In fact, research suggests, in average persons, consuming a clean whey protein can only be absorbed at about 8 to 10 grams per hour. Based on that stat, if you processed maximally, 24-7, you would be able to utilize 240 grams of protein. And I got news for you, that doesn’t happen in humans.

Additionally consider what that would mean as far as total protein and food consumption to ensure maximal absorption. So it is not likely that we can process gobs of protein, even when we exercise heavily. Often the suggestion to consume more protein is not based on absorption, rather, it is based on what could be lost through inefficiencies.

Thus, consuming higher quantities of proteins give you the sense that more will be absorbed. But even consuming large quantities does not ensure maximal protein uptake and absorption since cells have to want (by signaling) and be ready (by utilizing) for full protein synthesis to occur.
Feeling kind of blah or almost nauseated thinking about how much protein you need to consume? What if I told you there was a way to speed up absorption without having to consume greater protein quantities? Or better yet, what if I told you that there may be a way to maximize protein synthesis with little additional protein and likely you could maintain or decrease your regular daily protein intake
You’d think it was just another marketing gimmick, right? Well, if you want to see how that may be possible, read on. And if you’re a skeptic, what the heck, how bad can reading further be? If you are of the “unconvincable type,” then you can stop here, but don’t come running back when others around you outgrow, outmuscle, and outperform you!
To try to isolate bioactive peptides, manufacturers have gone to great lengths to clean up protein by extracting various constituents, isolating specific amino acids, and fortifying their proteins with additional amino acid
We definitely know that straight amino acid consumption at the right time will outperform that of whey protein concentrates and isolates when it comes to MPS. We know if we do oversaturate the cells, there is a greater chance of absorption. One thing is certain—we have been able to positively increase the free floating amino acids in the bloodstream through supplementation.
However, even with good solid eating habits and protein-rich diets, you will have sufficient levels of amino acids. Again, the problem is related to the uptake, the ability to increase the transportation efforts and force MPS to occur more rapidly.

Fortunately, the bio-active peptides are our allies in that they can achieve the much-needed speed of action. But what we also know, and haven’t really pushed the limits with, is increasing the concentration of the actual signaling potentiators and their specific protein synthesis amplifiers.

Until now.Of course you want to see results from training. You are hoping the products you are taking will ensure rapid recovery, stronger sets, and more energy. There are no guarantees when it comes to training because every person is unique, not only in their genetic make-up but in their ability to process foods, build muscle, and maintain shape.
This is where precision engineered bioactive peptides can help you the most. Again, since we know we need specific proteins to be utilized, and it is impossible (at least at this point) to know how much and when the body will require it, rather than overload it with a ton of stuff that may not get used (or worse, be converted to fat), choose bio-active peptides whenever possible. Through our extensive research process, we have come to the conclusion, the best way to explain how BAP’s work is by using the analogy of how your lawn grows.
You know you need sunlight and water for your lawn to grow under normal circumstances. Add fertilizer and other special chemicals and your grass comes in greener, longer, stronger, and healthier. And that is precisely how specifically engineered BAP’s work. They act as fertilizer for your muscle.
The unique thing about BAP’s is that they can be consumed just about any time of day; along with meals, on their own, as pre- or post-workout supplements, or any time you want to consume more bioactive-building components. While they are not a direct substitution for whey protein, their active components are, and in fact, they’re often more powerful, thus BAP’s could be consumed with your protein supplementation or amino acids for an even greater effect.
Early indications confirm BAP’s may have a positive effect when consumed around your exercise sessions (pre and post workout); however, data strongly supports that day-round supplementation with BAP’s returns positive results out of your efforts. In addition to their influence on MPS, BAP’s appear to have other strong benefits that aid in recovery and pain reduction that may further enhance the results from those hard-fought workout battles.
You still need protein and other nutrients to make muscles grow. Most of those come from the foods we eat. But getting muscles to activate faster, grow quicker, stronger, and firmer, can only be achieved by adding an amplifier.Bio-Active Peptides, due to their micro-concentrated power, will help promote better Muscle Protein Synthesis, and thus promote better overall gains from your training. As the emerging leader in the field of Bio-Active Peptides and their application to training and Muscle Protein Synthesis, iSatori is delivering the leading technology in the category: Bio-Gro™.
Powered by Bio-Pro™ Bioactive Peptides, Bio-Gro™ has taken center stage as the must-have supplement to enhance performance, increase strength and power, develop leaner, harder muscles, and reduce soreness and recovery time, which allows you to increase volume and frequency of training. In other words, Bio-Gro™ will allow you to do more, more often.  
To learn more about Bio-Gro, get answers on frequently asked questions, review the research, or find out how you can get your hands on the limited supply, visit the iSatori.com/BioGro page here at M&S.
Work hard, do some heavy-duty strength training, add in some key BAP’s and your muscles will grow. Now the formula is complete. And those muscle-building promises may finally be achieved.
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies
Muscle And Fitness Fitness Motivation Quotes Models Inspiration Motivational Quotes Women Logo Girl First Selfies

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